



校园标识语翻译现状分析及策略研究 摘要: 国内高校中的留学生和外籍教师日益增多,越来越多的汉英语标识出现在中国校园里。校园标识语翻译的重要性也就显得日益突出。然而,高校校园里出现了许多不规范的英文标识语,有损学校形象。本文研究了校园标识语的

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  • 详细描述

    摘要: 国内高校中的留学生和外籍教师日益增多,越来越多的汉英语标识出现在中国校园里。校园标识语翻译的重要性也就显得日益突出。然而,高校校园里出现了许多不规范的英文标识语,有损学校形象。本文研究了校园标识语的定义、特点和英译等问题,并以江南大学和无锡职业技术学院为例,分析了校园标识中出现的问题,继而提出相关改进建议。
    关键词: 校园;标识语;翻译
    Abstract: Since the increasing cultural communication between China's and foreign institutions of higher education,many foreign teachers and students come to teach and study in China.Therefore,there are more and more public signs that come to appear on university campuses. The Chinese-English translation of these signs becomes more and more important. This paper mainly analyses the definition and features of public signs and errors in the translated versions based on the signs in Jiangnan University and Wuxi Institute of Technology and explores the reasons for the errors. Typical examples are given as the cases of study for translation.
    Key Words: university; signs; translation
    1 Introduction 2
    2 Campus sign features and current translation situation 3
    3 The analysis of campus sign translation in Jiangnan University and WXIT 5
    3.1 Signs without English translation 6
    3.2 Translation being not consistent 6
    3.3 Neglecting audience’s understanding 7
    3.4 Grammatical errors 8
    3.5 Using wrong words 8
    3.6 Being not elegant,nor harmonious 9
    4 The campus signs translation strategies 10
    4.1 Adopting the habitual expressions 10
    4.2 Noting the use of rhetoric 11
    4.3 Correctly grasping the cultural differences between Chinese and English 11
    5 Suggestions on campus sign translation 12
    5.1 Reference to the relevant language of the English country 12
    5.2 To set up a special authorized unit for campus sign translation 12
    5.3 Paying Attention to the Quality of Translation 13
    5.4 Asking advice of foreigners 13
    5.5 Using the specification manual 13
    6 Conclusion 14
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