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  • 详细描述

    关键字:自动输送,  PLC,  触摸屏
    Cement powder designed automatic batching device
    Abstract:Modern industrial production often requires the material for processing, handling, if these complex work done by hand, then not only inefficient, but also labor-intensive, not suitable for modern production needs. This paper focuses on PLC automatic batching belt conveyor control system. The control system has high accuracy, low cost, and strong anti-interference ability, low failure rate, simple operation and maintenance, etc., with good value, building materials, chemical, food machinery, iron and steel, metallurgy, coal and other widely used in industrial production . In recent years, conveyor again in some other sectors appear to have great potential and broad market prospects.
    The design of the main contents: Mitsubishi FX2N series PLC and Kunlun Winton touchscreen for control system design, focusing on in-depth study of the belt conveyor, the control requirements to determine a clear choice of PLC models to determine the I / O address distribution, design I / O wiring diagrams, flowcharts and ladder control, in-depth understanding of PLC programming methods, according to the control requirements of the transmission and control system design automatic batching belt conveyor programming.
    Keywords: automatic transmission,  PLC,  touch screen
    第一章 研究水泥工厂粉料自动配料装置的背景意义 8
    1.1选题的背景意义 8
    1.2水泥厂自动配料概述 9
    1.2运料车的发展概述 9
    第二章 控制系统的硬件和软件设计 11
    2.1系统控制要求 11
    2.2运料小车方案分析 13
    2.3运料小车系统方案论证 13
    2.3.1  方案论证 13
    2.4  PLC选型 14
    2.5  电机选型 14
    2.6 主回路元器件的选型 15
    2.7 控制回路元器件的选型 17
    2.8系统硬件设计 19
    2.8.1  PLC的输入、输出地址分配 19
    2.8.2设备系统的主回路电路图 20
    2.8.3 PLC端子接线图 21
    2.9 设备控制系统PLC程序 22
    2.9.1启动程序 22
    2.9.2手自动切换程序 22
    2.9.3小车往返程序 23
    2.9.4程序梯形图 24
    2.10人机界面的设计 24
    结束语 28
    参考文献 29

    本次设计旨在利用三菱FX2N系列PLC系统设计,熟悉掌握好PLC与触摸屏感器的通讯和PLC中基本的软组件使用方法和作用,按照选题利用定时器和继电器特点进行编程,编写程序控制小车,在原料区多个原料中按要求自动行走,完成由人工取料,取完后行走到下一点,直至结束,回到原点。熟悉掌握好三菱GX Developer的编程软件和触摸屏软件的使用和调试系统,当程序编好后,利用这两个仿真软件进行调试,根据功能要求使其一步步实现,先将三大程序的编程划分开,即手动运行、自动运行和急停控制程序。其中每个程序都进行反复调试,直至实现相应的功能。如果调试没有成功再校验程序有没有输入错误或者检查程序是否编辑错误,就这样周而复始直至程序调试成功。

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