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  • 详细描述

    摘  要

     The topic of this graduation design is Jing hai the first mean 2 teachingbuilding design school will science park office building design. Considering building location, building use function and safety of buildingstructures, building with reinforced concrete frame structure. Jinghai region of seismic fortification of seven degrees, regardless of the aseismic requirements of choice for structural scheme. From the safety of the structure into consideration, had better use regular structure; To consider building use function requirements at the same time, and in the building elevation effects in accordance with the characteristics of the office building. Taken together, determine the construction plan and structure. 
    The design includes architectural design and structural design of two parts. Architectural design mainly is to determine the construction plan, including the design of the plane, elevation and section; Structure design mainly divided into structural plan layout, load calculation, internal force calculation and internal force combination, section design, board design, stair design and basic design. Design process by hand is completed, the computer to check. 
    Because of the lack of practical engineering experience, the design process, to, architectural design, 3-d still exist some problems; Structure calculation of the integrated use of skills, the design time is tight, in the design of error, please the teacher comment, thank you!
    Keywords: architectural design; Structure design; Reinforced concrete frame structure
    摘  要 i
    Abstract ii
    目录 iii
    1绪论 1
    2设计任务书 2
    2.1设计资料 2
    2.2计算方法及内容 4
    3结构设计流程 5
    4结构方案选型与结构布置 6
    4.1 框架柱 6
    4.2 框架梁 6
    5荷载计算 8
    5.1荷载分类计算 8
    5.1.1 屋面荷载 8
    5.1.2 楼面荷载 8
    5.1.3 楼梯间荷载 8
    5.1.4 墙体荷载 8
    5.2重力荷载代表值计算 10
    5.2.1 纵向框架梁Gbx 10
    5.2.2 横向框架梁Gby 10
    5.2.3 次梁Gby 10
    5.2.4 柱自重Gc 10
    5.2.5 楼面、屋面恒载Gs 10
    5.2.6 墙重Gw 11
    5.2.7 门窗重Gd 11
    5.2.8 楼面、屋面活载Q 11
    6基本自振周期的计算 13
    6.1 结构刚度计算 13
    6.1.1 框架梁的惯性矩及线刚度 13
    6.1.2 框架柱的惯性矩及线刚度 13
    6.1.3 框架柱的抗推刚度 13
    6.2自振周期T1的计算 15
    7水平地震作用计算 16
    7.1 水平地震作用影响系数α1 16
    7.2 水平地震作用标准值 16
    7.3 框架侧移验算 17
    7.4 框架剪力标准值 18
    8水平地震作用下框架内力计算 20
    8.1 根据柱剪力及反弯点高度计算柱端弯矩 20
    8.2 计算梁端弯矩及梁剪力 20
    8.3 根据梁端剪力计算柱轴力 21
    8.4 绘制内力图 21
    9 竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 24
    9.1竖向荷载作用下的计算 24
    9.1.1 恒荷载计算 24
    9.2竖向恒载作用下框架内力计算 25
    9.3 竖向活载作用下框架内力计算 30
    10 荷载作用效应组合 33
    10.1 竖向荷载作用下的基本组合 33
    10.2 水平地震作用效应与竖向荷载作用效应的基本组合 37
    10.2.1水平地震作用下的梁端及跨中内力的基本组合 37
    10.2.2 水平地震作用下的柱端内力的基本组合 39
    11 截面设计 44
    11.1 框架梁 44
    11.1.1 框架梁正截面设计 44
    11.1.2 框架梁斜截面设计 46
    11.2 框架柱配筋计算 48
    11.2.1 轴压比验算 48
    11.2.2 正截面受弯承载力计算 48
    11.2.3 斜截面受剪承载力计算 52
    12楼面构件及楼梯设计 54
    12.1楼板配筋计算 54
    12.2次梁计算 56
    12.3 楼梯计算 57
    12.3.1斜板计算 57
    12.3.2平台板计算 58
    12.3.3 平台梁计算 59
    结论 61
    致  谢 62
    参考文献 63


    [1]  房屋建筑制图统一标准GB/T 50001-2001.
    [2]  建筑制图标准GB50104-2001.
    [3]  建筑设计防火规范GBJ16-2001.
    [4]  建筑结构制图标准GB/T 50105-2001.
    [5]  建筑结构荷载规范GB 50009-2012.
    [6]  高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB50045-2005.
    [7]  建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2010.
    [8]  地基基础设计规范GB50007-2012.
    [9]  混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2010.
    [10]  《钢筋混凝土结构构造手册》.
    [11]  《建筑抗震构造手册》.