摘 要
本次毕业设计题目为某市拟建的宾馆。总建筑面积约为6000 m2,采用框架承重结构,主体结构层数为六层,层高均为3.9m,抗震设防烈度为7度。
本设计楼立面采用柔和的暖色调暗红色贴面和白色涂料粉刷, 使建筑的表面材料和颜色与周围的环境一致、和谐, 既典雅稳重,又具现代感。
The title of this thesis design is a building of municipal plan of building guesthouse. Total construction area is about 6000 sq.m, frame structure, 6 floors. The height of all floor is 3.9m, the design strength of anti-earthquake is 7 degrees.
This design is divided into two parts: architectural design and structure design. This thesis includes all the calculations of the design process and related elucidations.
Among them, primarily there are the arrangement of structure, the selection of structure type, a complete calculation of one part of the frame (includes the calculation of load and force, combination of forces, design of section and calculation of reinforcement). Besides, there are design of column foundation, stairs, pored concrete slab and concrete awning etc. Finally, I adopt the PK-PM series structure design software to verify the results of manual calculation, and give the comparison of the manual-calculation and computer- calculation.
The legislature of the guesthouse increase the construction of three-dimensional sense by using balcony or not, according to the use of various functions of the different rooms. The use of a stark contrast is to achieve the overall changes. The design of single-aisle gallery can makes the rooms on both sides face-to-face, which will help enhance the communication and improve the safety of the domitary. The gentle warm dark red paste painting the face and white paint can make the surface of construction materials and colors consistenting and harmony with the surroundings, elegantly stably, and modernly.
Structural design based on the construction programme mainly has paid more attention to the selection of the construction, the caculation of the reinforced concrete floor, reinforced concrete beams, the structure of the framework, basic calculation and the calculation of the stairs.
The intensity of seismic fortification of the building is 7 degrees. In the course of calculating, the earthquake's impact on buildings is considered well. Reinforced concrete panels and the beam are used the calculation of shaping theory. The calculation of the framework of a vertical load moment secondary distribution method and the level of load method used D
Keywords:architecturaldesign;structuredesign;thearrangement of structure;the calculation of load and force;the calculation of reinforcement
1 建筑设计 1
1.1 建筑设计说明 1
1.2总平面设计 1
1.3 平面设计 2
1.4 立面设计 8
1.4.1建筑立面设计 10
1.5 剖面设计 12
1.6楼梯的设计 14
1.7 建筑材料说明 16
2 结构设计 18
2.1楼板设计 18
2.1.1 荷载统计 18
2.1.2按塑性理论计算双向板 19
2.2 次梁计算 25
2.2.1 荷载统计 25
2.2.2 计算简图 25
2.2.3内力计算 26
2.2.4 承载力计算 28
2.3 楼梯计算 30
2.3.1 设计资料 30
2.32 梯段板计算 31
2.3.3 平台板计算 32
2.3.4 平台梁计算 33
2.4 框架计算 34
2.4.1 设计资料 34
2.4.2 结构布置 36
2.4.3 结构计算简图 36
2.4.4 荷载统计 37
2.4.5地震计算 43
2.4.6内力计算 46
2.4.7 内力组合 69
2.5 基础设计 84
2.5.1 设计资料 84
2.5.2计算要求 84
2.5.3 基础内力组合计算 84
2.5.4 外独立基础的计算 85
2.5.3 内独立基础的计算 89
2.6 雨篷设计 94
2.6.1 设计资料 94
2.6.2 雨篷板的计算 94
2.6.3 雨篷梁L1计算 95
2.6.4 雨篷梁L2、L3的设计 97
2.6.5 雨篷的抗倾覆验算 99
参 考 文 献 100
致 谢 辞 101
附录(青岛凤麟阁宾馆施工图) 102
参 考 文 献
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