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  • 详细描述

    摘 要
    关键字:  供电系统     安全可靠      主接线  
    Abstract: in the design, based on the scope and basis for the design of information, and set up a production and development suited to their own needs electricity system. The enterprise distribution system by a 35KV high voltage line and into the high pressure into a 10KV power line to provide, in order to ensure the reliability of electricity load in a high-pressure side and the "single-bus bar above system" power supply, another workshop in two adjacent low voltage transformer substation with the line of contact, so that the entire power supply system more reliability and flexibility. To meet the mechanical type enterprises, large electricity load change, natural features low power factor, the design of a parallel connection capacitor approach to compensation without merit power, the electricity supply system to reduce wear and voltage loss, while enhancing the quality of power supply voltage. Design reflects a safe, reliable, flexible and economic principles. Determine the location-change distribution, form, quantity and the change in the number and capacity of Taiwan;Identify two relay programmes choice advanced automatic protection devices;Identify substations mine Guoyabaohu and grounded protection programme;According to the design requirements for the distribution chart mapping the entire plant, and two relay circuit diagram-change distribution as fair, and post maps.
    Internet : power supply systems  secure   the main wiring

    目   录
    1章 概述…………………………………………………………1
       1.1 工厂供电意义和要求……………………………………………1
       1.2 设计原则…………………………………………………………1
    2章 负荷计算………………………………………………………4
       2.1 定义………………………………………………………………4
       2.2 负荷计算的方法…………………………………………………4
    3章 供电系统及方式………………………………………………9
       3.1 方案选择………………………………………………………9
       3.2 主接线方案……………………………………………………9
       3.3 一次配电系统图…………………………………………………10
    第4章 电容补偿……………………………………………………11
       4.2 车变一电容补偿…………………………………………………11
       4.3 车变二电容补偿…………………………………………………12
       4.4 主变电容补偿……………………………………………………13
       4.5 补偿装置选择…………………………………………13
    5章 变电所位置选择及变电所布置……………………………15
       5.1 变电所位置选择…………………………………………………15
       5.2 变电所布置………………………………………………………15
       5.3 厂区供电平面示意图……………………………………………16
    6章 短路电流计算…………………………………………………17
    7章 电缆、母线的选择……………………………………………23
       7.1 概述……………………………………………………………23
       7.2 35kv电缆选择……………………………………………………23
       7.3 10kv电缆及母线选择………………………………………………24
    8章 高低压开关设备选择及校验………………………………29
       8.2 高压设备的选择…………………………………………………30
    9章 继电装置整定及二次保护…………………………………………42
       9.1 概述……………………………………………………………42
       9.2 继电保护装置的接线方式…………………………………………42
       9.3 继电保护装置的操作方式…………………………………………42
       9.4 电流速断保护…………………………………………………43
       9.5 电力变压器的继电保护……………………………………………44
       9.6 35KV电力变压器的保护……………………………………………46
       9.7 10KV变压器的保护………………………………………………47
    10章 防雷、接地与照明………………………………………………49
       10.1 防雷………………………………………………………49
       10.2 接地 ………………………………………………………49

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    <<35~110KV变电工程通用图集>> 主编 朴在林               <<建筑电气设计实例图册>>上下册
    <<电气设备选择.施工安装.设计应用手册>>上下册 主编 刘宝林  <<工厂供电>> 主编 刘介才