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  • 详细描述


    关键字:三维建模 吹风机 SolidWorks  

      In modern mechanical product design, application of computer software with the accuracy of
    product development of 3D CAD technology is high, good texture, vivid and colorful. SolidWorks since its inception in 1993, with its excellent performance, powerful function, flexible reliable and innovative, widely used in the field of machinery, construction, electronics, aerospace, chemical engineering design, in the fierce competition with the similar software established the 3D CAD main flow status of software design. The software is simple, easy to operate, is the choice of engineering and technical personnel, is currently one of the most popular 3D CAD software.
      The design uses SolidWorks as the platform, the hair dryer for product structure design and modeling, mainly for the hair dryer design, the size of the component selection and calculation, the main structure of the stress analysis. This design according to the principle of blower completed the hairdryer structure design and product modeling, and on the software of Solidworks, the motion simulation and stress test analysis, not only improve the design efficiency, and greatly shortened the design cycle.
      The hair dryer in the three-dimensional modeling and I were used tensile, resection, scanning, lofting, mirror and array of methods to draw the important parts of the casing, a motor, fan blades, a motor.
    Keywords: 3D modeling blower SolidWorks 

    目  录
    摘要 I
    1绪论 1
    1.1 计算机辅助设计 1
    1.2 SolidWorks软件简介 1
    1.2.1 SolidWorks功能描述 2
    1.2.2 COSMOSworks简介 3
    1.3造型设计概念 3
    1.4 本次设计研究的内容、目的 4
    2 产品概述 4
    2.1 吹风机定义 4
    2.1.1 吹风机工作原理与用途 4
    2.1.2 吹风机构造组成 4
    2.2吹风机的分类 5
    3 吹风机产品调研分析 5
    3.1吹风机发展史 5
    3.2吹风机的行业现状 5
    3.3吹风机未来趋势 5
    4吹风机的外观设计 7
    4.1吹风机设计理念 7
    4.2吹风机外观色彩 7
    4.3吹风机外观形状 8
    5 吹风机三维造型绘制 9
    5.1壳体造型 9
    5.1.1新建零件文件 9
    5.1.2草图绘制 9
    5.1.9完成外壳创建 11
    5.2吹风机的装配 13
    5.2.1新建组件文件 13
    5.2.2装配零件 13
    5.2.3装配效果图 14
    6 基于SolidWorks的动画制作技术 15
    6.1 SolidWorks软件动画制作原理 15
    6.2 SolidWorks软件动画制作的方法 16
    6. 2.1 简单运动动画 16
    6.2.2 路径动画 16
    6.2.3 视像属性动画 16
    6. 2.4 基于相机的动画 16
    6.2.5 使用模拟单元的动画 17
    6.2.6 装配体动态剖切动画 17
     6.2.7 VBA编程动画 17
    致  谢 20

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