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  • 详细描述

    Residential property management of graduation design
    The Internet has become people to live, work, learn more and cannot leave the platform. Web technology has not limited to simply provide the information service, but has increasingly become an operating platform, to provide users with a powerful service function.
    Therefore, create the residential property management web site, follow the industry development, meet the needs of the people's life, learning. The system is available for administrators and users log in to use. Can query information or release information, a person who can understand small property management through this website, local residents will also be able to query various charges. System administrators as an essential module, mainly in order to safely and effectively all kinds of information storage and management and maintenance of a web site, to impart specific permissions, the administrator can categorize users and all kinds of information, add, delete, modify, etc. 
    To realize such functions, can't depart from the support of backstage supporter's database. In this article, the database server used the Oracle database as the background, with advanced hibernate technology and database connection, combining with the SQL statement processing for the user classification, add, delete, modify etc operation, closely linked to the Web and database.
    KEY WORDS:Residential property management,Information management,SQL,Oracle,hibernate

    第一章 绪论 1
    1.1 研究现状 1
    1.2 研究的目的及意义 2
    1.3 背景 2
    1.3.1 B/S模型的优点 2
    1.3.2 JSP技术发展背景 4
    第二章 需求分析与可行性分析 6
    2.1 系统需求分析 6
    2.2 可行性分析 7
    2.2.1 经济可行性 7
    2.2.2 技术可行性 7
    2.3 系统配置 7
    2.3.1 Hardware (硬件) 7
    2.3.2 Software (软件) 7
    第三章 系统设计 9
    3.1 系统架构实现 9
    3.1.1 系统架构模型 9
    3.1.2 系统构架设计以及设计包的实际划分 10
    3.2 系统的功能模块设计 11
    3.3 数据库设计 13
    3.3.1 系统数据库设计 13
    3.3.2 数据库逻辑设计 14
    第四章 系统实现 20
    4.1 系统架构实现 20
    4.1.1 数据持久层 20
    4.1.2 业务逻辑层 25
    4.1.3 Web服务层 27
    4.1.4 数据访问层: 34
    4.1.5 表现层 39
    4.2 系统功能模块实现 41
    4.2.1 系统登录界面的实现 41
    4.2.2 楼盘房屋管理的实现 42
    4.2.3 物业费用管理的实现 44
    4.2.4 物业论坛管理的实现 45
    4.2.5 物业用户管理的实现 46
    4.2.6 公告新闻管理的实现 47
    4.2.7 系统设置的实现 48
    4.3 开发技术及开发环境 49
    4.3.1 开发技术 49
    4.3.2 开发环境 50
    第五章 软件测试 51
    5.1 什么是软件测试 51
    5.2 软件测试的目标与方法 51
    第六章 个人总结 52
    参考文献 53
    致谢 54
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