



利用ASP.NET技术建立的动态网站,选题自定,主要功能如下:1、网站首页的设计,编排,可利用了FLASH动画制作软件,在主网页中插入了各种FLASH动画,使网站更加的精彩。2、会员注册模块,增添注册栏,用户在线注册后可对网页上的文章发表评论。 3、网站后台管理

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  • 详细描述

    此系统设计上采用三层结构、Web Service技术,使之在选用平台、采用技术上具有先进性、前瞻性、扩充性,从而保证建成的系统具有良好的稳定性、可扩充性。系统设计按标准化、规范化,分层设计,构件化实现。采用软件构件化的开发方式,使系统结构分层,业务与实现分离,逻辑与数据分离;以统一的服务接口规范为核心,使用开放标准。从功能上来说,系统是比较完备的,系统以Web界面与用户交互,为用户提供信息并接受其操作,同时通过数据库管理系统来存储信息数据。系统实现了对信息数据的浏览、查询、编辑和管理等基本数据库操作,采用了模块化设计方法,根据用户的需求及程序的应用与维护的易用性,将各个部分置于不同的模块当中,方便了程序的扩展与维护,同时建立了程序功能复用的基础。
    关键字:ASP.NET  资源共享  电子政务 校园网站 数据库  SQL 
    AbstractThis system is for a certain school of information security professional web design and development of government service platform, to research is based on B / S mode to achieve the distribution of information resources sharing, using the ASP.NET + SQL model e-government platform. Patterns and management of university education and primary and secondary schools are very different from the one hand, the scale than the primary and secondary school students have a large degree, yet students are adults, all have their own learning, many schools, government management of information not the same as the primary and secondary schools, we have to also look for a more appropriate channel. As the fast pace of life in college students, and computer and Internet penetration probability of the development of society as more and more students online access to information is increasing. Therefore, schools can be cut into the government information service to this point, to enable students to more easily access relevant information, which will greatly enhance the progress of students and school satisfaction.
     This system is designed using three-tier architecture, Web Service technology, making the choice of platform, using technically advanced, forward-looking, scalable, so as to ensure completion of the system has good stability and scalability. System according to standardized, hierarchical design, and enterprise. Component-based software development by way of the system hierarchical structure, business and implementation of separation logic and data separation; to a unified service interface specification for the core, using open standards. From the functional point of view, the system is more complete, system Web interface and user interaction, to provide users with information and accept their operations, also through the database management system to store information data. System realizes the information data browsing, query, editing and managing basic database operations, using a modular design method, based on user requirements and procedures of application and maintenance of the ease of use, each component will be placed in different modules which to facilitate the process of expansion and maintenance, while establishing a foundation for reuse program functions. 
    Keywords: ASP.NET;Resource sharing ;E-Government ;Campus Site ;Database; SQL.

    1. 系统概述 4
    2. 开发工具 5
    二、系统分析 5
    1.需求分析 5
    2.业务流分析 5
    3.数据流分析 6
    三、系统设计 7
    1. 后台数据库设计 7
    2.数据库概念结构设计 8
    2.程序设计 9
    2. 学院概况版块 10
    3. 注册页面 11
    5. 添加用户 15
    6. 删除用户 16
    四、使用说明 24

    1. 汪晓平,钟军.ASP.NET网络开发技术.北京:人民邮政出版社
    2. 张一鸣,桂林,张家祥.个人网站组建实用教程.西安:电子科技大学出版社
    3. 范乐,于强.基于Web的编程技术.北京:铁道出版社
    4. 黄平.数据库技术.北京:机械工业出版社
    5. 郭琦. Visual Basic数据库系统开发技术. 北京:人民邮电出版社
