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  • 详细描述

    摘要经过十几年的发展,中国的房地产事业逐步进入成熟阶段。人们在购房的时候不单单只关注住宅小区的地段、住宅的本身是否美观,质量好不好这些问题,同时良好的物业管理也成为人们在购房时的重要因素。在过去的时间里,物业管理还是纯手工操作的时候,不仅管理手段落后,工作量大,浪费了大量的人力物力,而且对于业主的问题和住宅小区的管理都带来了诸多不便。尽管随着时代的发展,住宅小区物业管理有所改进,但长期以来,不少小区的物业管理还停留在看门、清扫、倒垃圾这一层上,这对于现如今的购房者们来说是远远不够的。为了适应这一环境的变化,除了要有坚实的硬件设备,还需要一套符合现代化的软件系统。经过分析,使用微软visual studio 2005和数据库SQL Server 2005为实施工具,最终实现小区物业管理中对业主、设备的管理等,使之更便利化、节能化。此设计界面简单,操作方便。
    Residential property management information system
    Abstract:After more than ten years of development, the cause of China's real estate gradually into a mature stage.The people at the time of purchase is not only focus on residential area、residential itself is beautiful、quality is good these problems,at the same time ,a good property management has become an important factor when the people in the purchase.In the past time, property management is pure manual operation,not only the backward management,workload is big,waste a great deal of manpower and material resources,but also for the problems of owners and the residential area management has brought a lot of inconvenience. Although with the development of the times,residential area property management has improved,but for a long time ,many residential area property management is still look at the door、sweep the door、pour out the trash on this layer,it is not enough for today’s homebuyers.In order to adapt to changes in the environment,in addition to the solid hardware device,but also need a set of accord with modern software system.Through the analysis,using Microsoft visual studio 2005 and SQL Server database 2005 as the implementation tool,the final realization of residential area property management for owners 、equipment management,etc,to make it more facilitation convenience、energy conservation.This design is interface to simple,easy to operate.
    Keywords: The real estate;Property management;Homebuyers

    目  录
    一、系统概述 1
    (一)系统简介 1
    (二)开发工具 2
    二、系统分析 3
    (一)需求分析 3
    (二)业务分析 3
    (三)功能模块设计 4
    三、数据库设计 4
    四、系统实施 6
    (一)用户登录 7
    (二)用户注册 9
    (三)管理员主界面模块程序设计 11
    (四)住户主界面模块程序设计 12
    (五)住户基本信息模块程序设计 13
    (六)住户投诉模块程序设计 21
    (七)住户报修模块程序设计 27
    (九)住户停车车位模块程序设计 36
    五、系统测试 42
    六、系统使用说明 44
    (一)数据库 44
    七、结束语 46
    八、参考文献 47


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    [2] 李萍、黄可望、黄能耿. SQL Server数据库应用及实训[M].2014.1
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    [4] 龙马工作室.新编ASP.NET 2.0 + SQL Server 2005从入门到精通[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2008.4
    [5] 黄开枝、康会光、于永军.SQL Server 2005中文版基础教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2007.7
