


www.bysj580.com / 2016-11-12
  随着网络技术的发展,现代可编程控制器对网络功能的要求更强,一般都有现场总线功能、互连网接入功能等,EASY嵌入式PLC采用CAN bus现场总线技术并支持专用的嵌入式Web服务器。
传感器工作原理的分类物理传感器应用的是物理效应,诸如压电效应,磁致伸缩现象,离化、极化、热电、光电、磁电等效应。被测信号量的微小变化都将转换成电信号。化学传感器包括那些以化学吸附、电化学反应等现象为因果关系的传感器,被测信号量的微小变化也将转换成电信号。向传感器提供±15V电源,激磁电路中的晶体振荡器产生400Hz的方波,经过TDA2030功率放大器即产生交流激磁功率电源,通过能源环形变压器T1从静止的初级线圈得到的交流电源通过轴上的整流滤波电路得到±5V的直流电源,该电源 做运算放大器AD822的工作电源;由基准电源AD589与双运放AD822组成的高精度稳压电源产生±4.5V的精密直流电源,该电源既作为电桥电源,又作为放大器及V/F转换器的工作电源。当弹性轴受扭时,应变桥检测得到的mV级的应变信号通过仪表放大器AD620放大成1.5V±1V的强信号,再通过V/F转换器LM131变换成频率信号,通过信号环形变压器T2从旋转的初级线圈传递至静止次级线圈,再经过外壳上的信号处理电路滤波、整形即可得到与弹性轴承受的扭矩成正比的频率信号,该信号为TTL电平,既可提供给专用二次仪表或频率计显示也可直接送计算机处理。由于该旋转变压器动—静环之间只有零点几毫米的间隙,加之传感器轴上部分都密封在金属外壳之内,形成有效的屏蔽,因此具有很强的抗干扰能力。有些传感器既不能划分到物理类,也不能划分为化学类。大多数传感器是以物理原理为基础运作的。化学传感器技术问题较多,例如可靠性问题,规模生产可能性,价格问题等,解决了这类难题,化学传感器的应用将会有巨大增长。
  常将传感器的功能与人类5大感觉器官相比拟:   光敏传感器——视觉 声敏传感器——听觉   气敏传感器——嗅觉 化学传感器——味觉   压敏、温敏、流体传感器——触觉    敏感元件的分类:   ①物理类,基于力、热、光、电、磁和声等物理效应。   ②化学类,基于化学反应的原理。   ③生物类,基于酶、抗体、和激素等分子识别功能。   通常据其基本感知功能可分为热敏元件、光敏元件、气敏元件、力敏元件、磁敏元件、湿敏元件、声敏元件、放射线敏感元件、色敏元件和味敏元件等十大类(还有人曾将敏感元件分46类)。
  射线辐射传感器 热敏传感器
  振动传感器 湿敏传感器
  磁敏传感器 气敏传感器
真空度传感器 生物传感器等。
 导体绝缘体 半导体磁性材料
  集成传感器薄膜传感器 厚膜传感器陶瓷传感器

sensor technology and its industry
30 years of reform and opening up, China's sensor technology and its industry has made great progress. In the" Nine Five" national key scientific and technological project, the research of sensor technology has51varieties of 86 specifications of new product success, preliminary built sensor industry;2007sensor industry total production reached 2093000000, nearly6000varieties of different specifications, and has various departments in the national economy and national defense construction in certain application.
The sensor is a physical device or biological organs, can detect, the external signal, the physical conditions (such as light, heat, humidity ) or chemical composition ( such as smoke ), and will explore the information to other devices or organ. China's sensor market's rapid development, and the related core production technology application and development will become the focus of attention of the enterprise. Understanding of domestic and foreign production of core technology research and development trend of sensor technology, equipment, technology application and trend for the enterprises to improve product technical specifications, improve market competitiveness is the key.
The national standard GB7665-87 on the sensor under the definition is: " to be provided to the feelings of measurement and according to certain rules can be used to convert the signal of the device or devices, usually by the sensor and conversion components". The sensor is a device for monitoring, can feel the measured information, and can check the sensed information, according to a certain law transform into electric signal or other desired information in the form of output, in order to meet the needs of information transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control requirements. It is to realize the automatic detection and automatic control of the primary link.
The sensor can be used in different point of view on the line classification: their conversion principle ( sensor the basic physical or chemical effect): their use:: their output signal type and the production of their materials and technology.
According to the working principle of the sensor, can be divided into physical sensors and chemical sensor two categories:
Working principle of the sensor of the classification of the physical sensor application is the physical effects, such as the piezoelectric effect, the phenomenon of magnetostrictive, ionization, polarization, heat, photoelectric, magnetoelectric effect. The measured signal of small changes are converted into electrical signals.
Chemical sensors including those by chemical adsorption, electrochemical reaction phenomenon for the causality of sensor, the measured signal is small changes will also be converted to electrical signals.
Some sensors can be divided into physical class, also cannot be divided into chemical class. The majority of sensor is based on physical principles operation. Chemical sensor technology problems, such as reliability, the scale of production possibilities, price problem, to solve this kind of problem, chemical sensor applications will have tremendous growth.
Working principle of the sensor of the classification of the physical sensor application is the physical effects, such as the piezoelectric effect, the phenomenon of magnetostrictive, ionization, polarization, thermoelectric, photoelectric, magnetoelectric effect. The measured signal of small changes are converted into electrical signals. Chemical sensors including those by chemical adsorption, electrochemical reaction phenomenon for the causality of sensor, the measured signal is small changes will also be converted to electrical signals. The sensor provides a + 15V power supply, exciting circuit of the crystal oscillator to generate the400Hz square wave, after TDA2030 power amplifier which produces AC excitation power supply, energy through the annular transformer T1from a primary coil of AC power through the shaft of the rectifying and filtering circuit gets +5V DC power supply, the power amplifier AD822working power supply; power supply by the baseline AD589and dual operational amplifier AD822 consisting of high precision power supply generating +4.5V precision DC power supply, the power supply is used as a bridge power supply, and as an amplifier and V / F converter power supply. When the flexible shaft in torsion, strain bridge was detected by mV strain signal by AD620 instrumentation amplifier amplifies the signal into 1.5V + 1V, through the V / F converter LM131is converted into frequency signal, signal through the annular transformer T2 from the rotation of the primary coil is transmitted to the static secondary coil, through the casing signal processing circuit for filtering, shaping can be obtained with elastic shaft bear the torque is proportional to the frequency of the signal, the signal for the TTL level, which can provide special two instruments or frequency meter display can also be sent directly to the computer processing. Since the rotary transformer dynamic - static ring between only a few tenths of millimeters gap, coupled with the sensor shaft parts are sealed in the metal shell, forming an effective barrier, thus has the strong anti jamming ability. Some sensors can be divided into physical class, also cannot be divided into chemical class. The majority of sensor is based on physical principles operation. Chemical sensor technology problems, such as reliability, the scale of production possibility, the price problem, to solve this kind of problem, chemical sensor applications will have tremendous growth.
Sensor applications commonly have automatic doors, using the human body infrared microwave to switch the door; the smoke alarm, using smoke sensitive resistor to measure delays concentration, so as to achieve the purpose of alarm; mobile phone, digital camera camera, using an optical sensor to capture images; electronic, mechanical sensor ( conductor strain gage technique ) to the measurement of objects strain gage pressure, so as to achieve the purpose of measuring the weight of the water level alarm; alarm; temperature; humidity alarm; optical alarm.
Intelligent sensor has been widely used in aerospace, aviation, national defense, science and technology and industrial and agricultural production and other fields. For example, the robot in the field has a broad application prospect of intelligent sensor, the robot with human facial and brain function, can perceive various phenomena, to complete a variety of actions. In industrial production, the use of traditional sensor can not for some quality indexes of the product ( e.g., viscosity, hardness, surface finish, composition, color and taste, etc.) for rapid direct measurement and on line control. While the use of intelligent sensor can be directly measured and the quality indexes of the product have the functional relationship between the production of certain quantity ( such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.). Cygnus company productivity a" glucose watch", its appearance is as same as the ordinary watches, wear it can achieve without pain, without blood, continuous blood glucose test. " Glucose watch" on a painted reagent mat mat, when brought into contact with the skin, the glucose molecule is adsorbed attached to the mat, and with the reagent electrochemical reaction, generate current. Sensor for measuring the current, the processor calculates a current corresponding with the glucose concentration in the blood, and with digital display.
The current status of China is long is the rapid growth of the market, breed increases quickly; high dependence on imports, exports low-end incremental; many manufacturers such as forest, to top brands; general hasten is firm, price drops year by year; core technology hard, on the production of live domestic sensors, main market is the world famous brand occupied.
Often the sensor function and5 human sensory organs to be compared: a photosensitive sensor -- visual sound sensor -- auditory gas sensor -- olfactory chemical sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensitive -- taste fluid sensor -- touch sensitive element classification: Physics, based on force, heat, light, electricity, magnetic and other physical effects. In chemistry class, based on the chemical reaction principle. Biological class, based on enzymes, antibodies and hormones, such as molecular recognition function. Usually according to its basic perceptual features can be divided into the thermosensitive element, photosensitive devices, gas sensors, force sensors, magnetic sensors, humidity sensors, acoustic sensors, radiation sensitive element, color sensitive components and flavor components such as the ten major categories ( who still had the sensitive element is divided into 46 categories ).
Editor this paragraph characteristics
New sensor features include : miniaturization, digital, intelligent, multi-functional, systematic, networking, it not only promoted the transformation of traditional industries and upgrade, and may also establish a new industry, and in twenty-first Century to become the new economic growth point. Miniaturization is the establishment in the microelectronic mechanical system ( MEMS ) technology on the basis, has been successfully applied in the silicon device made of silicon pressure sensor.
You can use different perspectives to classify sensors:
Their conversion principle ( sensor the basic physical or chemical effect); their use; their output signal type and the production of their materials and technology. According to the working principle of the sensor, the sensor can be divided into physical and chemical sensor two categories: sensor working principle classification of the physical sensor application is the physical effects, such as the piezoelectric effect, the phenomenon of magnetostrictive, ionization, polarization, thermoelectric, photoelectric, magnetoelectric effect. The measured signal of small changes are converted into electrical signals. Chemical sensors including those by chemical adsorption, electrochemical reaction phenomenon for the causality of sensor, the measured signal is small changes will also be converted to electrical signals. Some sensors can be divided into physical class, also cannot be divided into chemical class. The majority of sensor is based on physical principles operation. Chemical sensor technology problems, such as reliability, the scale of production possibilities, price problem, to solve this kind of problem, chemical sensor applications will have tremendous growth. Common sensor application and working principle are listed in the table below.
The 1sensor according to their uses
Pressure sensitive and force sensor, position sensor liquid level sensor energy sensor speed sensor acceleration sensor radiation sensor thermistor sensor24GHz radar sensor
The 2sensor according to the principles of classification
Vibration sensor humidity sensor magnetic sensor gas sensor vacuum sensor biosensor.
According to the3sensor output signal into the standard classification
The analog sensor -- will be measured by non electrical quantity is converted to an analog electrical signal. Digital sensor -- will be measured by non electrical quantity is converted to digital transmission
Signal ( including direct and indirect conversion ). Taking digital sensor -- will be measured signal is converted into a frequency signal or short periodic signal output (including direct or indirect conversion ). Switch sensor -- when a measured signal reaches a certain threshold value, the sensor output corresponding to a set of low level or a high level signal.
The 4sensor according to the material for the standard classification
On the external factors, all materials will make corresponding, has features of response. They are of those on the outside of the most sensitive material, i.e. those with functional properties of the materials, are used to make the sensitive element of the sensor. From the application point of view of the material can be divided into the following categories: sensor (1) according to the materials used in the classification of polymer metal ceramic mixture (2) according to the physical properties of materials: conductor insulator semiconductor magnetic material (3) according to the crystal structure of material: monocrystalline polycrystalline amorphous materials and adopting new material is closely related to the sensor development, can be summed up in the following three directions: (1) the material known to the exploration of new phenomena, effects and response, and then make them in sensor technology in practical use. (2) to explore new materials, application of the known phenomenon, effects and response to improvement of sensor technology. (3) in the study of new materials based on exploring new phenomenon, new effects and response, and the sensor technology to implement. Modern sensor manufacturing progress depends for sensor technology and new materials and sensitive element of development intensity. Sensor development is a basic trend of semiconductor and dielectric materials and the application of closely related. Table1.2gives some can be used in sensor technology, capable of converting the energy in the form of material.
The 5sensor in accordance with its manufacturing processes classification
Integrated sensor thin thick film sensor ceramic sensor integrated sensor is the standard production of silicon semiconductor integrated circuit technology manufacturing. Usually will be used for initial treatment of measured signals in the parts of the circuit are integrated on the same chip. The film is deposited on the sensor through the dielectric substrate ( substrate ) on the corresponding sensitive materials, thin film formation. Using hybrid process, the same can be part of the circuit substrate manufacturing in. Thick film sensor is the use of the corresponding material slurry, is coated on the ceramic substrate made of, the substrate is usually made of Al2O3, then heat treated, so that the thick film forming. Ceramic sensor using standard ceramic technology or some variant process ( such as the production of sol - gel ). Complete appropriate preparatory operation, has been forming element in high temperature sintering. Thick film and ceramic sensors for the two processes have many common characteristics, in some respects, can think of thick film technology is a variant of ceramic technology. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. As a result of research, development and production of the necessary capital investment is low, and the sensor parameters of high stability and other reasons, using ceramic thick film sensor more reasonable and. ( empty companion network HVAC experts)
The 6sensor according to the purpose of measurement of different classification
Physical type sensor is the use of the substances being measured on certain physical properties change properties to make. Chemical type sensor is the use of the chemical composition, concentration and chemical conversion into electricity quantity of the sensitive element. The biological sensor is the use of a variety of biological or biological properties of matter made of, for detection and identification of organisms within the chemical sensor.
The 7sensor according to the composition of the different classification
The basic sensor: is one of the most basic single conversion device. Combination type sensor: is made up of different single conversion device formed by combining sensor. Application sensor: is the basic type of sensor or combined sensor and other institutions formed by combining sensor.
The 8sensor according to the function and form of different classification
By the form can be divided into active and passive sensor. Active sensor and the function type and reaction type, the sensor of the measured object can emit a detection signal, can detect signal in the measured object changes, or by the detection of signals in the measured object to produce certain effect to form signal. Detection detection signal changes in the way called action type, detection signal generated in response to form called reaction type. Radar and radio frequency range of the detector is the role of examples, and the photoacoustic effect analysis device and laser analyzer is counteractive examples. Passive sensor for receiving the object to be measured is itself generated signals, such as infrared radiation thermometer, infrared imaging device
Static characteristics of sensor
The sensor static characteristic refers to a static input signal, the sensor between input and output have mutual relations. When the input and output are has nothing to do with time, so the relationship between them, whereby the sensor static characteristic can be a free time variables algebraic equation, or to input as the abscissa, the corresponding output as the ordinate and draw the characteristic curve to describe. Characterization of static characteristics of sensor are the main parameters: linearity, sensitivity, hysteresis, repeatability, drift. (1): refers to the sensor linearity between input and output of the actual curve fitting a straight line to the degree of deviation. Defined as in the full range of actual characteristic curve and the fitting line between maximum deviation value and the output value ratio. (2): sensitivity of static characteristics of sensor sensitivity is an important index of. It is defined as the output increment and the increment of the corresponding input increment ratio. S sensitivity. (3): sensor hysteresis in input from small to big ( positive range ) and input from large to small ( the trip ) changes during its input output characteristic curve is not coincidence become hysteresis. For the same size of input signal and output signal, the sensor travel size are not equal, the difference is known as hysteresis difference. (4): reproducibility repeatability refers to the sensor in the input in the same direction as the full range of continuous change for many times, the characteristic curve of the degree of inconsistency. (5): sensor drift drift refers to the input quantity invariable situation, the sensor output changes over time, this phenomenon is called drift. Drift the reason to have two aspects : one is the sensor's structure parameter; two is the surrounding environment ( such as temperature, humidity etc.).
The sensor's dynamic characteristic
Dynamic characteristics, sensor refers to variations in the input, the output characteristics. In practical work, the sensor dynamic characteristics of commonly used it to certain standard input signal in response to said. This is because the sensor on the standard input signal in response to experimental method, and it is a standard input signal and its response to any input signal in response to a relationship, often know the latter can be presumed. The most commonly used standard input signal step and sinusoidal signals of two, so the dynamic performance of the sensor are also commonly used step response and frequency response to express.
Linearity of the sensors
Typically, the actual sensor static characteristic of the output is a curve rather than a straight line. In the practical work, in order to make the instrument has a uniform scale readings, a linear approximation to represent the actual characteristic curve, linearity ( nonlinear error ) is the degree of approximation of a performance index. Fitting a straight line to the selection has many kinds of methods. If the zero input and output connected theory straight line as fitting a straight line; or with the characteristics of each point on the curve of deviation square and minimum theory straight line as the fitting straight line, this fitting straight line is called the least squares fitting a straight line.
The sensor resolution
Resolution refers to the sensor can be sensed by measuring the smallest change capacity. That is to say, if the input from a nonzero value change slowly. When the input changes value does not exceed a certain value, the sensor output does not change, namely the sensor to input volume changes are resolved not to come out. Only when the input volume changes over a resolution, the output will change. Usually the sensor in the full range of each point resolution is not the same, so the full range of commonly used can make the output step change generated input in the largest change value as a measure of resolution index. If the index with the full range of percentage, then known as the resolution. Resolution and stability of the sensor have negative correlation.