


www.bysj580.com / 2016-12-20
而现在 晾衣架市场的发展已日趋成熟,细心的消费者不难发现以往大商场或小百货店内形式单一的衣架,正逐渐变得丰富多彩,各种新型的衣架悄然登场亮相,以其方便、实用赢得了不少顾客的欢心。据介绍,新型衣架跳出了单一的模式,分工越来越细致,空间利用越来越合理,品种更趋多样化。由于分工的不同,各种裤架、裙裤架、西装衣架、呢大衣架、领带架应运而生。这些衣架都是根据不同的衣物类型专门设计的,使之存放服饰的效果更佳。
在中国,“晾衣架”一般意指“升降晾衣架”,或所谓的“电动晾衣架”。分手动、电动两种。手动(手摇)较为普及。电动之所以未能普及推广,这是由于整个行业技术上的不成熟以及售后服务的局限——毕竟是镶在天花板上,不像小家电一样容易搬移去维修保养。因而目前,还是手动(手摇)为市场的主导。但是, 随着奥丽德推出第一台电动晾衣机之后, 奥丽德电动晾衣机逐渐受到同行的普遍关注以及市场广泛支持,奥丽德电动晾衣机将引领晾衣机行业新一轮的技术革命,成为电动晾衣机的领导品牌。未来几年,电动晾衣机将超越手动晾衣机成为市场新宠。
   行业历史和现状 :“晾衣架”是中国一大特色产品,该行业形成至今已有十多年时间,从开创至今技术不断改进和变革,其基本组成为:手摇器(负责升降、自锁),钢丝,转向器,顶座,晾杆,衣架。手摇器是晾衣架的核心部件,相当于汽车的发动机!备受关注。经历了数年的磨合,行业质量逐渐趋向稳定。
   行业的发展及未来 :晾衣架不仅仅是一个装饰品,更是一个功能性的产品。目前晾衣架的“功能”已经普遍得到消费者的认可,已经形成一个“行业”。

Dryer it is clear to all, with the development of the era, dryer is various, such as rural a rope to the two poles on a plane that is into dryer, later development is becoming more and more complex, more and more humanization, and clothes-horse ancient history can be traced back to the us?
Now dryer has been mature, the development of the market of it is not difficult to find a single big stores or small articles of daily use in-store form before hangers, is gradually become rich and colorful, all kinds of new type of hangers quietly, with its convenient, practical and winning customers favor. According to introducing, new clothes tree out of the single pattern, division of labor is more and more meticulous, space utilization is more and more reasonable, varieties more. Because of the different division of labor, all kinds of pants, skirts pants, suit hangers, coat and tie rack arises at the historic moment. These hangers are specially designed according to the different types of clothing, make store clothing effect is better.
In China, "dryer" generally refers to "lift clothes-horse", or so-called "electric dryer. Break up, electric two kinds. Common manual (hand). Electric is not popularized, it is because of the whole industry technical not mature as well as the limitations of after-sales service, after all is set on the ceiling, don't like small home appliance is easy to move to maintenance. So at the moment, or manual (hand) as the dominant. But, as Mr Li, after the launch of the first electric washing machine, Mr Li DE electric washing machine gradually universal attention and market widely supported by peers, Mr Li DE electric washing machine would lead washing machine industry a new round of technological revolution, become the leading brand of the electric washing machine. In the next few years, electric washing machine will surpass manual washing machine to become the market to be bestowed favor on newly.
Industry history and status quo: "dryer" one is the Chinese characteristic products, the industry's formation has been more than ten years of time, since starting technology improvement and change constantly, the following basic components: hand (responsible for lifting, self-locking), steel wire, steering, roof, hanging bar, hangers. Hand is the core component of dryer, equivalent to the car's engine! Is a major concern. Experienced several years of running-in, industry quality gradually stabilized.
The development of the industry and in the future: dryer is not only an ornament, but also a functional products. Clothes-horse "function" is now generally recognised by consumers, has formed a "industry".
A, stretching type dryer
Stretching type stretching type dryer is installed on the wall, at ordinary times can be pushed against the wall, when using began to hang clothes. Applicable to the room, the balcony and outdoor.
Second, wall-mounted drying rack
Wall wall hung clothes hanger is mounted on the wall, installation height to the average man in the chest, reasonable design should be up and down, down on the wall at ordinary times, do not take up space, play clothes to dry. These clothes-horse short is suitable for hotel, dormitory, the hospital ward, family room and so on. Long are suitable for outdoors, such as villa or courtyard houses.
Third, floor type dryer
Floor floor type dryer is directly on the ground with a clothes-horse, now common with X, butterfly type (also called airfoils) type, horizontal bar, parallel bars. Applicable to the room, the balcony and outdoor.
Four, balcony lift dryer
Is installed on the balcony, make hanging rod is reduced by means of manual or electric, put up the clothes to dry, then make the hanging rod rise in a dryer. This product is suitable for the family and the dormitory with balcony.
And I have to study is a final clothes-horse, now of the balcony airer only by electric or manual lifting on the balcony, but encounter a rainy day or dark too late to receive the clothes is not very convenient, intelligent clothes-horse balcony is through the sensors to the outside temperature and luminosity and then through the PLC control the clothes-horse contraction to come in, according to the conditions can be up to the outside, outside in the morning it is greatly convenient for human life, and worries of workers.